Parent Handbook
On this page you will find information on the following topics:
Absences and Illness
Sharing your talents
School Fundraisers
Extra Activities
Supply List
Field Trips
Addition Lesson
If your child stays at school all day, please send a well-balanced, nutritious meal. Include a napkin, as well as a spoon or fork if needed. Peanut and nut products are allowed. Food to be warmed must be in a microwaveable container. Please note that we cannot cook microwaveable meals; we can only reheat foods that take less than one minute.
Please be aware that your child will be engaging in a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities at school. MMS has an indoor shoe policy. Each child will have indoor shoes that they will change into every morning. These shoes will stay at school.We ask that your child wear sneakers or sandals with a back strap No flip-flops or large boots, as they are not safe for climbing and running. Assume that your child will be playing outdoors every day and send along outerwear that is appropriate for the weather. While it may be raining in the morning, it may be cleared by recess time.
Each child should keep a complete change of
clothing at school at all times. Please include socks, shirts, pants, and cloth
underwear and replace items as needed. No diapers or pull-ups please.
Tong Transfer Lesson
Time Lesson
For morning snack please label with your child’s name and place in your child’s class snack basket at drop off.
If your child will be staying for After school care (2:30-5:30), we ask that you pack an extra snack in their lunchbox that can be eaten during the 2:30pm snack time.
Extra Activities
Midlands Montessori provides extra enrichment activities during the school day. This is convenient for parents because lessons are provided at our location and students love the fun, high interest activities.
*KidFit- A gymnastics, sports, and fitness class for children. Kidfit makes exercise FUN! Class meets once a week and registration is ongoing, year round. $40 per child/per month made payable to KidFIt. Contact info:
*Music and Movement- A musical learning experience for children ages 2-6 years old once a week. Taught by Angela Wasson who has studied piano for 13 years, taught privately, and has a love for sharing music and songs. $25 per child/ per month payable to Angie Wasson.
* denotes additional cost beyond monthly tuition
Supply List
Listed is a SAMPLE supply list for each school year. A current school year list can be obtained at the front desk.
Knob Cylinders
Box of crayons
One hard plastic pencil box (only new students)
Coloring book
1 box tissues
1 refill bottle hand soap (64oz)
1 Clorox wipe
2 can of Lysol spray
1 packet of copy paper
1 pack of dish sponges
1 box of plain band aids
1 bottle of Aleene’s Tacky Glue
One nap mat (nappers only)
One pillowcase, small pillow and blanket (nappers only)
Field Trips
Due to the age of our children, Midlands Montessori seldom takes field trips or
transports children.
Things we reuse
Grocery store bags
Used office paper
Used toys and puzzles
Craft supplies
Preschool aged books
Montessori classes hold a special ceremony for birthdays, and parents are
invited to share the celebration. The birthday child brings a photograph from each
year of his or her life. If you would like to donate a hardcover book or something
from our Midlands Montessori Amazon wish list we would greatly appreciate it, however it is not mandatory. If you would like to bring a treat to share please send brownies, cookies, rice crispy treats etc. Please no cupcakes.
The teacher will always make the attempt to redirect the child in a positive
manner as the first form of discipline. Every effort shall be made according to the Montessori theory of inner discipline, which is the goal for the child. In any event this manner of discipline is unsuccessful; Midlands Montessori School may send a student home for the day. If a student is sent home three times, that student will then be suspended from school for 5 consecutive school
days. This will be followed up by a conference. At that time a decision will be made by the school for readmittance.
Absence and Illness
Please send a message through Brightwheel if your child will be absent or late. If your child has a communicable disease, notify the school immediately so that we may alert other parents and take steps to protect the other children. Please always keep a child at home who has had a cough, cold, rash, fever, diarrhea or sore throat within the 24 hours preceding the school day. If your child becomes ill while at school, you will be notified immediately. Your child should be picked up WITHIN THIRTY MINUTES. A child who leaves sick may not return to school the following day.
If your child presents with a fever, they may not return to school for 24 hours.
Sharing Your Talents
Please let us know if you would be willing to share skills or information with the
children. Our curriculum is open-ended and we welcome your participation. We
encourage parent involvement and no skill or talent is too small. We would like to
have each parent participate at least once during the year, as every child is filled
with pride to have a parent come to school. Prepare a craft, read a book, share your culture, cook your families favorite snack, or share skills from your job. These are just a few suggestions but we
welcome any others you may have. We love our parents and families!
Publix Partners: We are members of Publix Partners. These cards are good at any participating Publix stores in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. You can have as many cards as you want. Share them with family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Our Publix Partners card can be used in addition to other schools that you may already be supporting. Simply tell the cashier that you would like to support both schools.
Box Tops for Education: Clip box tops from participating products and help earn cash for our school. Clip box tops coupons from hundreds of your favorite products found at your local grocery stores. Each coupon is worth 10 cents when our school redeems them. Clip box tops with some care. The labels must not be ripped or “defaced”, so try to be neat when cutting. A collection box is available in our front foyer and we collect all year long. To see a complete listing of products, visit Happy Clipping!!
Office Depot: When you visit your nearest Office Depot be sure to mention our school. We are registered there and all you need to do is give them our telephone number, which is 356-6434 and our school will get credit for your purchase.
We are always in need of parents willing to oversee these programs and others. Our school is a circle of support, child, teacher and parent. Please make every effort to give of your time when possible. Your child will sense your support and benefit greatly from it. All proceeds from these fundraisers will be used to purchase art supplies, playground equipment, and classroom materials. The
funds are also used to help with the expense of teacher training and conferences.